1. Index Organized tables in 8i not supporting secondary indexes.
2. Global indexes on partitioned tables becoming unusable after partition maintenance operations, drops, splits etc . . .
3. Being able to pass compressed blocks across the cluster interconnect, still an issue in 11g release 1 (I think).
Historically, most Oracle developers use literals against columns for which the data is skewed and binds against columns in predicates for which there is no value in forcing a re-parse of the SQL statement, typically values which are highly selective. With cursor_sharing = similar, plans should only be re-used if the parsed cursor can 'safely' re-use an existing plan. However Metalink technical note Note.377847.1 "Unsafe Peeked Bind Variables and Histograms", states that the RDBMS can mark a bind variable as being unsafe and thus generate many child cursors for statements, I have seen first at first hand the RDBMS doing this even when there is no histogram on a column (method_opt=>" . . . size = 1"). The solutions to this are:-
1. Use cursor sharing exact, this defeats the purpose of using cursor_sharing=similar somewhat.
2. 'Drop' histograms on columns that cause unsafe bind peeking, there is a good post on the Pythian blog about the overuse of histograms.
3. Check whether dynamic_sampling is causing this as per the Metalink technical note.
4. Set _optim_peek_user_binds = false to disable bind peeking full stop, if you still get this without a histogram.
v$sql_shared_cursor will not give any insight into why this happening. There is no 'fix' to this issue as such, however 11g introduces intelligence into the issue with adaptive cursor sharing. The on line Oracle documentation, Optimizer blog and Technet all provide good references on this.
The real question is why has it taken Oracle this long to introduce intelligence into cursor sharing ?. On the same theme of new features taking their time (and then some) to mature, I'd like to use the results cache in 11g in anger, but how long will it take Oracle to shave the rough edges off this feature, i.e.:-
1. Results being invalidated when none related rows in the related base tables change.
2. No explicit information in autotrace stats for knowing that results caching has been used
I've heard whispers of new functionality appearing in 11g release 2 being related to none core RDBMS technology, perhaps Oracle should focus on the maturity of the RDBMS engine core features first.