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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Rise Of MySql From The Low End

At the time of writing this, the penultimate bog entry from Jonathan Schwartz on the Sun web site refers to innovation loving a crisis, the crisis being the turmoil in the global economy. From this, it is not too difficult to make the mental leap and arrive at the inference that software with no license costs is going to be very attractive at present. Now, this comes from Jonathan's latest blog entry (again latest at the time of writing this):-

"The third is the need for change - one executive to whom I spoke recently said her entire discretionary budget was consumed by one proprietary vendor's price increase. So she's out looking for an alternative, and MySQL fits the bill. Which is to say, necessity's the mother of invention - and there's a lot of necessity going around right now."

Makes you wonder if MySql is going to start biting Oracle at it's ankles around the lower end of the market more than ever before.
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